More Books in the Giveaway + Celebrity Storytimes


The print book giveaway continues with an infusion of lots more books for teens, and plenty now for adults as well, including popular fiction, literature and nonfiction. Now is your chance to read Dune before the new movie comes out – there are several copies available!

In the online world, you may have seen that Michelle Obama is the latest celebrity to be reading aloud to children. Check here to find more author and celebrity storytimes.

Missing The Library? The Book Giveaway is Open!

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Please help yourselves to the many books available at the “No Backsies” book fair located on the car deck. There are hundreds of books for children, many new or gently used, and also some well-used ex-library copies. If you are stopping by to pick up a packet from a teacher, that’s a great time to take home some new reading material as well.

-Use the hand sanitizer provided before touching the books.
-Take as many books as you like.
-Do not bring any books back.
-Please do not bring your own books to share. We can have a community book swap in the future when germ spreading is less of a concern.

Happy Reading!