Act to Fight Climate Change
/Michael Bornn’s Op Ed from the VI Daily News impresses the need for action from our community to battle climate change. Tap the images below to see it all!

Shack-Shacks and mangos always make me think of summertime. While our mango tree only produced a few mangos this year, the flamboyant trees are showing off this season. VIMSIA is currently home to six flamboyant trees, and they demonstrate why some call them “flame trees” as they cast almost an orange glow on our campus.
To learn more about flamboyant trees and how they came to be in the US Virgin Islands check out this St. Thomas Source article from last summer. Did You Know Flamboyant Trees Are Originally From Madagascar?
Its fresh, its crunchy and you can grow it indoors or outdoors.
Here is a timeline of Lettuce from seed to plant. Growing from seeds can be easy and fun and you can see the results sooner rather than later.
Seed sprouted March 31, 2020
Seed planted March 23, 2020
Lettuce is ready April 23, 2020
As you are in the mode of changing life styles please consider the attached article.
Stay Healthy! Michael Bornn, Head of School
29 things you can do for a lower carbon footprint that will hardly change your day
Climate change is real, and there are ways to mitigate it. Here's what you can do to reduce your carbon footprint without changing your whole life.
As part of the Trash to Treasure End Session Course, students are re-purposing discarded waste into unique treasures with aesthetic and practical appeal. This week, the group teamed up with Sports & Nutrition to explore the mangrove lagoon and learn about the flora and fauna affected by terrestrial litter and marine debris.
End Session students kayaking in St. Thomas
End Session students enjoy VI Eco Tours on St. Thomas
Recycling ambassadors Lexi and Sofie from Ms. Satter's class show off the recycling that has been collected in Elementary classrooms over the last couple of weeks. All elementary classrooms are now recycling plastics that are dropped off at Plaza Extra on Saturdays!
Zia, Macy, Alexis and Mary went around the whole campus this week and picked up trash! They were very proud of their efforts. We followed with a lengthy discussion about rotary dial phones - they had no clue what they were, imagine that. Just think of the changes that happen in the world over the course of a few generations!
Virgin Islands Montessori School and Peter Gruber International Academy - a Montessori and International Baccalaureate Toddler through grade twelve private school in the beautiful U.S. Virgin Islands. Ask for Admissions 340-775-6360.
VIMSIA 6936 Vessup Lane, St. Thomas USVI 00802 Phone: 340.775.6360 Maps and Directions Staff Portal