What Sets Us Apart?

Association Montessori Internationale, USA - Quote from a former Montessori student cited on their website: “There are no limits to learning and reaching a goal. The Montessori environment has enabled me to learn at my own pace. This has inspired me, because there were never any boundaries put in place as to what I was allowed to learn. Because of this, I have no fear of learning, just a feeling of momentum when it comes to exploring a new concept.”
Dr. Steve Hughes - "What if education were about giving every developing brain its best shot."
Harvard Business Review - How Montessori Builds Great Innovators
International Baccalaureate
We are an authorized International Baccalaureate World School for Middle Years Programme (MYP) and Diploma Programme (DP). Research from leading institutions shows that IB students are more likely than their peers to succeed in higher education. Please learn more about IB through our website or at the IB website: IBO.org
VIMSIA students have traveled to over 55 countries since the inception of our travel programs in 2007. Each year students have the opportunity to travel through one of our many VIMSIA Without Borders programs, including: End Session, MMUN, Weizmann Science and Middle East Cultural Trek, and the Spanish Student Exchange Program.
End Session is a unique adventure in learning created specifically for our PGIA students. This program has taken our students to over 55 global destinations. We have been 50 degrees North, 40 degrees South, 100 feet underwater and points in between to provide global learning opportunities!
Our many VIMSIA Without Borders programs helps provide funding for our travel programs which include End Session, MMUN, Weizmann Science and Middle East Cultural Trek, the Spanish Student Exchange Program, and the Denmark cultural trip.
Just to name a few - China, Mauritius, Galapagos, Israel, Jordan, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Costa rica, Guatamala, Italy
This video from our first Weizmann trip in 2016. Six PGIA students traveled to Israel and were hosted by world renowned scientists at the Weizmann Institute for a three day science camp, followed by a cultural excursion. There are no words. Perhaps the video will convey the deep enthusiasm and emotion this trip inspired. This trip is totally funded by individual donors. Please consider giving by clicking on Donate and including a note for “Weizmann”.
Graduate Success
International Baccalaureate Organization Recognition staff work to ensure that IB students are properly recognized by universities and governments for the unique credentials and qualifications of their IB education. Graduating VIMSIA students have been accepted to Harvard, the U.S. Naval Academy, Stanford, Brown, Bryn Mawr, Wellesley College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and more.
Service Learning
Service learning is at the heart of the Peter Gruber International Academy. Our school offers opportunities for students to apply what they learn in the classroom by contributing to the needs of our local and broader community. We are motivated by the commitment to leave a legacy.
“Every individual matters. Every individual has a role to play. Every individual makes a difference. And we have a choice: What sort of difference do we want to make?” Jane Goodall
Experiential learning
Both the Montessori and International Baccalaureate pedagogies have a focus on learning by doing, reflecting on work done with the hands. Whether it is a PGIA design class and their cardboard boat race at Secret Harbor, or a Montessori Primary student tracing sandpaper letters with their finger - our school focuses on the act of learning by doing. Our classrooms extend to real life in the out of doors and to the outer reaches of the globe. We touch, we feel, we build, we create, we collaborate, we learn.
"... a ‘philosophy for living’ that empowers individuals with the ability to perceive the world in a manner that disregards the ‘self’ and its prejudices while embracing a greater sense of the ‘other’.” Kevin Kahiro Maina, IB student, The Aga Khan Academy, Nairobi
Green School - SOLAR POWER
VIMSIA is proud to have been on the leading edge of the solar movement in St. Thomas. Our first 6KW array in 2007 set the stage for what has become a 212KW array in 2019. We put sustainability at the forefront of our campus operations.
Growth Mindset
The most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work—brains and talent are just the starting point.
When students believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. Therefore they put in extra time and effort, and that leads to higher achievement.
“Growth Mindset” Carol Dweck
Failure is often something that’s frowned upon. But the truth is we all fail at some things some times. It’s often the best way to learn. It’s important to teach children not to fear failing. Fear of failure can be crippling, and lead to avoiding challenging tasks and taking away our motivation and our desire to achieve. You can support your child by teaching them about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed mindset, and helping them deal with setbacks.
Soccer, Sailing, Cross Country, Track, Volleyball, Basketball - we have amazing athletes and coaches.
After-School Programs
We have robust after-school program offerings and have been voted "Best in the VI" for our after-school programs.
Our Campus
Take a virtual tour of our campus plants and flowers. Credit for this amazing project from start to finish goes to Ms. Sakari Clendinen, VIMSIA Class of 2022.