General PTA Meeting - On Campus
Our first general PTA Meeting of the new school year is Thursday, Sept 15, 2022. Please come and meet and greet with other VIMSIA families and get the latest updates.

PTA Parent Meet and Greet - Coffee Klatch on the Car Deck!
Plan to stay a bit after drop off and meet other parents!

PTA General Meeting - Music Room
Child care will be available at no cost to parents - courtesy of the PTA! Please sign up at the front office if you will need child care during the meeting.

General PTA Meeting
PTA meeting has been rescheduled from Wednesday due to the impacts and major disarray generated with Tropical Storm Karen. We will have social “hour” from 5-5:30, with the meeting beginning promptly at 5:30. Childcare will be available, courtesy of the PTA, in BEC with Ms. Paul.

The VIMSIA Parent Teacher Association is proud to announce the 2018/2019 theme of the year - KINDNESS. The PTA fully stands united in advocating a spirit of kindness and is proud to officially present #Kampaign4KINDNESS to VIMSIA!

PTA Fall Fest
Come to the Solar Awning to join in the activities at our annual Fall Festival - it’s so much fun it’s scary! Cake Walk - Costume Contest and much, much more!

PTA General Meeting - Music Room
Please join us at the Music Room for our first PTA Meeting of the new school year.
Social half hour from 5:00PM-5:30PM. The meeting will start promptly at 5:30PM.

PTA Meeting - Note Date Change; Was 4/4
Food and social hour begin at 5:00. Meeting starts at 5:30. Hope to see you all there!

Staff Appreciation Party - Hosted by PTA
VIMSIA Parents - please signup with the PTA to bring a dish for the Staff Appreciation Party on Friday, Feb 2.

PTA Movie Night Under the Awning
Big screen movie under the awning. Concession stand will be open. Bring a chair or blanket to sit on. The screen will be setup under the awning.

PTA Back-To-School Beach Picnic
It's a great way to welcome our new families and see old friends. Tents will be set up at the far left of Magen's Bay. Look for the VIMSIA/PGIA banner!
Hamburgers, Veggie Burgers & Hot Dogs will be served between 12-2. Please bring along a dish to share! The PTA is in need of parent volunteers to help work the barbecues.
A special welcome to families will be at 2pm.

Montessori Welcome Back Night
This event will be run as an Open House for the Montessori world. All Montessori staff and support staff will be there. Feel free to wander from class to class. PTA will also be in attendance with concession. Please join us, re-connect with returning families and meet our new families.

PTA Movie Night
Movie night under the Solar Awning! "Minions" will be showing, there will be a spaghetti dinner and the concession stand will be open. Kind of like a drive in movie without the car (for those of us old enough to remember those!).

PTA: Spaghetti Dinner & Movie Night Under the Awning
PTA will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner and Movie Night under the Solar Awning.

PTA Beach Picnic
PTA Hosts this event twice a year. Join us before we all take off for places near and far for the summer.
Upper & Lower Elementary Parent Night
Upper and Lower Elementary Parent Night will be held in your child's classroom. Babysitting will be available.