Occupational Therapy and Speech Language Therapy Screener on Campus
Last fall we had a Speech & Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist come to campus and do a screening for some of our students. A screening is a brief opportunity for a professional to determine if a child might benefit by having a more indepth evaluation and potentially receive services.
This fall we have the opportunity to do another Speech & Language and Occupational Therapy screening. If your child’s teacher feels your child will benefit from a screening you will be told about this via email and a permission slip will be sent home to obtain your written permission. The screening will take place on September 9th on campus. We look forward to continuing this partnership this year with Play On Words. While parents are responsible for the financial arrangements, we are grateful that VIMSIA has been able to offer a space for services to happen during the day. If you have any questions, please contact Caroline Forbes at (340) 775-6360, ext 335.