Mimi, Lindsay and Amelie - Social Engineering Champions
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Congratulations, Mimi, Lindsay, and Amelie!
They are the FIRST PLACE high school champions of the Temple University CARE Lab’s SocialEngineering PenTesting Competition.
What is the CARE Lab? “The Cybersecurity in Application, Research, and Education (CARE) Lab offers a social science approach to cybersecurity and seeks to foster a multidisciplinary dialog between academia, industry, and government. This intersectionality enables a creative, unique, and holistic means of understanding the phenomena of cyberattacks and cybersecurity.” Click here for more information about the competition and CARE lab.
The VIMSIA team was “hired” to conduct a social engineering penetration test on the CARE Lab and its (current) employees! Their pen test includes each of the three areas below. A strong pen test will demonstrate the effective connection between these three areas and the team submitted a formal report of their findings and make security recommendations.
Team Advisor, Rebecca Hoffart, says that“This competition was a lot of work. The team had to coordinate across multiple international time zones because the competition date happened when most of us were traveling. And, they had to submit a 40-page report on their competition experience, which was finalized and submitted mid-air during a plane flight!”