Nurses Notes: Mask Storage

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Who hasn't had trouble finding where they left their mask in the house when running out the door? Can't tell whose is whose? Found its way to the bottom of a purse, or hanging from the rearview mirror?  This is a common scenario for us as we adjust to the new normal in a COVID-19 world.  Here are some tips for keeping your family's masks clean, handy, and ready to go with you!

  • Mark a quart-size Ziploc bag with your name, and one for each household member, and keep the mask in the bag when not in use.

  • Create a designated space in the house for masks to be stored - ideally a small table or shelf near the entrance

  • If you're creative, a "DIY" project can make coat hooks into "mask hooks" with a hook for each family member, so the masks don't get mixed up