Nurse DeGannes' Highlights from Governor's Press Conference March 19th 2020

Nurse DeGannes’ highlights from the Governor's conference on March 19, 2020.
Per D.O.H. Assistant Commissioner Dr. Nicole Simms regarding behavioral and mental health:

  1. Do stay in the moment. Stay in the moment within your workplace and families.  Stay in the moment within your general health of mind, body, soul, and spirit. Try not to think 3-6 months out with negative thoughts and endings.  

  2. Although children and teens are more resistant to COVID-19 physically, they are more at risk to be affected mentally and emotionally. Allow your Primary-Upper Elementary students share their work with you and have age appropriate discussions about COVID-19 with them. Identify any changes in behavior in your teens such as decrease in appetite, lashing out, secluding themselves or crying. 


  • Reassurance is everyone's safety in the home.  Children react to parents' emotions.
    If you panic, they panic.  If you cry, they will cry.  If you’re calm, educated and confident, the children will follow your lead.  

  • Maintain a Routine in the home.  See VIMSIA's Distance Learning Handbook for references.  Introduction to new things will break the monotony of the news and social media.  

  • Regulation for an individual that's under stress can come out physically or emotionally.  If you see red flags, provide support.

Lifeline hotline to assist persons struggling with behavioral or mental issues or concern 1-800-985-5990