Mangrove Matter! - Petition by Ana Pia, Chantel and Marissa

Submitted by Ana Pia, Chantel and Marissa:

What are Mangroves?

        Mangroves are home to hundreds of marine and terrestrial species. Birds call their branches their home and fish live within their long roots in the brackish water. Aside from small fish, birds, and other species, mangroves play an important ecological role in providing a shark nursery. 

       Mangroves are key to protecting our shores from rising waters and storm surge. When we experience a hurricane, storm surges can be very damaging. If you walked down to a marina right before a hurricane, you would see more boats than usual. Why? Because mangroves act as a “hurricane hole” that protects boats from strong winds and seas. They also act as a buffer to rising water. They also help protect our shores from the effects of climate change. Our waters are rising. Without mangroves, water could flood our coastlines and damage our infrastructure. Finally, they efficiently capture carbon from our atmosphere. More mangroves can decrease the number of greenhouse gases that are driving climate change.   

        So why are we talking about mangroves? After Hurricanes Irma and Maria, many local mangrove populations were unable to survive due to damage within their habitat. Development and pollution have not helped either. The government has policies in place that are meant to conserve our mangroves. The policies dictate that all new development in mangrove populated areas must go through a commissioner and that any tree that is taken out, must be replaced. However, there is no enforcement of these policies. Some mangroves are never replaced and if they are, there is no system to ensure they continue to grow. This petition is meant to show our local government that this is a cause worth noting.

        Please help us raise awareness about the need for the enforcement of mangrove conservation by signing this petition.   

Petition Link
