Bon Voyage! PGIA Students Visit Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science!
/Six PGIA students are traveling to Israel to visit the world renowned Weizmann Institute of Science. The PGIA has been collaborating with the Weizmann Institute online for the past several years as a part of our End Session STEM programs. This year we were invited to send students to a specially created Science Camp just for us! Mr. Bornn, Andy Palmer - Physics and Science Teacher, and Mr. Kevin Williams are chaperoning the group. PGIA 12th grader Marcus, 11th grader Aneesh, 10th graders Darby, Hannah and Vanshika and 9th grader Karen head out today and will return next Sunday.
The trip will begin with a three day science camp at the institute with some of the most accomplished scientific minds in the world! The group will also visit the Masada Desert, the Dead Sea and Jerusalem. What an amazing opportunity for these young minds!
This year alone, VIMSIA students will have traveled to Santa Domingo, Madrid, Israel, China, New York, Amsterdam and the Yucatan. Incroyable!
Eagle scouts: chaperones Andy and Kevin with student marcus
So here's a tip. If you are sending your child to the middle of the desert, send them with three Eagle Scouts!
“Life isn’t meant to be lived caged within walls and mindsets. The only way to break free from the shackles of monotony is to travel. Bon voyage.”
“I throw my glass, that others might throw their jade.”
A huge thank you to all of the donors that made this trip possible!